dOPC Client Toolkit

search for Control and returns the name and Propertyname of the Control and the assigned OPCItemId and GroupName 

Find searches the passed control and fills the passed Name, PropName, OPCGroup and OPCItem assigned to the control and returns the TdGUIItem if found, otherwise nil.

function Find(Control: tdOPCControl; var Name: string; var PropName: string; var OPCGroup: string; var OPCItem: string): TdGUIItem;
__fastcall TdGUIItem Find(tdOPCControl Control, AnsiString Name, AnsiString PropName, AnsiString OPCGroup, AnsiString OPCItem);
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var Name, ControlName, Propname, OPCGroup, ItemName: string; GUIItem : TdGUIItem; OPCItem : TdOPCItem; begin GUIItem := dOPCGUI.Find(Edit1,ControlName,Propname,OPCGroup,ItemName); if GUIItem <> nil then begin ShowMessage(ControlName+#10#13+Propname+#10#13+OPCGroup+#10#13+ItemName); OPCItem := FinddOPCItem(OPCServer,OPCGroup,ItemName); if OPCItem <> nil then OPCItem.WriteSync('Hello'); end else showMessage('not found'); end;
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