dOPC Client Toolkit
program Project11; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} {$R *.res} uses ua.client, ua.datatypes, ua.buildintypes, ua.statuscodes; var OPCClient: TdOPCUAClient; WriteVal : uaDatavalue; Ret : uaStatuscode; SetVal : uaInt32; begin OPCClient := TdOPCUAClient.Create(nil); OPCClient.Url := 'opc.tcp://'; SetVal := 32; WriteVal := uaDatavalue.Create; WriteVal.Value := uaVariant.Create(SetVal); // Also possible: // // WriteVal := uaDatavalue.Create(uaVariant.Create(SetVal)); // or // WriteVal := uaDatavalue.Create(bit_Int32); // also possible // WriteVal.Value.SetValue(32); // // Also possible if supported by the UA server // WriteVal.SourceTimestamp := Now; // Set Source Time // WriteVal.ServerTimestamp := Now; // Set Server Time // WriteVal.StatusCode := Statuscodes.Bad_NoCommunication; // Set Quality OPCClient.Active := true; Ret := OPCClient.WriteNodeAttribute('ns=2;s=Demo.Static.Scalar.Int32',TuaAttributes.Value, WriteVal); if not Ret.IsGood then writeln('Error write node:', Statuscodes.ToString(Ret)) else writeln('Succesfully written :-)'); WriteVal.Free; Writeln('Press Enter to exit'); Readln; OPCClient.Free; end.
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